On the road to better cycling facilities

Getting on your bike is getting safer and easier in Liverpool with plans to upgrade cycle ways in motion across the city.

By encouraging more people to cycle or walk, the aim is to reduce emissions and clear the air for everyone in Liverpool.

New schemes on Park Lane and Moor Place (pictured) are proving popular.

Other key projects include new and improved cycling routes on Regent Road as part of the North Liverpool Key Corridor, while on Princes Road plans are in place for new and improved pedestrian and cycle paths linking into the wider neighbourhood.

In 2015, the council introduced revolutionary new signals at the junctions with Vauxhall Road and Pall Mall to help cyclists beat traffic which gives them a head start over other traffic. Other improvements included an off road cycle and pedestrian link on the south side of Leeds Street between Vauxhall Road and Pall Mall

More information on current transport schemes are available at: https://liverpool.gov.uk/parking-travel-and-roads/better-roads/

Air Quality

Our handy map makes it easy to see what the current and historic air pollution levels are like in your area by bringing you the very latest information from air quality monitoring conducted by Liverpool City Council and Defra.

Screenshot of live air quality map

Image above is visual only. Click link to see live map. Air quality levels in Liverpool sourced from Liverpool City Council  and Defra.
© Crown 2018 copyright Defra via uk-air.defra.gov.uk, licensed under the Open Government Licence (OGL).