Clean air pioneers provide city with food for thought
Clean air pioneers provide city with food for thought
In a secret bunker, a group of scientists may be on the brink of climate change alchemy!
A group of scientists working in a secret underground lab in Liverpool have devised a novel way to improve the city’s air quality – and cut the footprint of food production.
Thanks to pioneering techniques in aquaponics the group have been able to form a social enterprise that will create food without anyone getting their hands dirty!
Farm Urban was founded by Dr Paul Myers and Dr Jens Thomas in 2014 with one simple aim: to change the world. This social enterprise puts sustainability and the climate crisis at the heart of what they do.
They have been using soil free techniques such as hydro and aquaponics to produce the freshest food possible in an environmentally friendly way. Their latest mission – Greens for Good – aims to get fresh greens into every classroom in the city and educate children where food comes from.
Liverpool City Council has been busy working with this partner to help clear the air.
Making a small change to help reduce air pollution can make a big difference, and it’s these small steps that this Liverpool business has been focusing on.
Co-founder Dr Jens Thomas says “Soil-free vertical farming allows us to grow in places where it would be impossible to do so otherwise, freeing up land for more sustainable soil-based growing, or even to be returned to nature to help soak up some of the CO2 we’ve released into the atmosphere.”
In their underground lab at the Life Sciences UTC building Paul and Jens come up with their unique ways of growing food in a way that is good for the person and good for the planet. Their focus is on food steps not miles and the produce they are going to be supplying will be delivered in a one or two mile radius using bikes or electric cars where a bike isn’t possible. Therefore working towards cleaner air for those who work and live in Liverpool to breathe in.
Co-founder Dr Paul Myers says “We are in a climate crisis, obesity is rising off the scale and we are really starting to understand the impact and the fall out of these current agricultural practices in terms of how they are affecting individual’s health and destroying the planet. This food we are going to be supplying by bicycle where possible so the carbon footprint of this food is significantly lower than food that has been shipped in from all over the world really.”
There are many small ways in which we can all do our bit to improve air quality in the city.
To find out how go to: https://letscleartheairliverpool.co.uk/